Welcome to Indian Confederation for Healthcare Accreditation
Indian Confederation for Healthcare Accreditation is the National multi-stakeholder Confederation of National Associations/ Institutions for establishing validated excellence in healthcare in India in line with similar bodies in all developed countries. ICHA comprises all stakeholder groups across the health sector, viz. Providers, Receivers and users, Payers and funders, Educators and regulators. Read More
About Us
ICHA is a professionally owned and driven Not-for-Profit organisation...Read More
Vision & Misssion
To attain global leadership and make India the health destination... Read More
Contribute to ICHA
Your small contribution can make a big difference
Contribute to ICHA
THE GOAL – What we all desire
“When we are ill, we want to know that we have a doctor whose technical knowledge and skills we can be sure of, on whose honesty we can rely and who will treat us empathetically with the respect and courtesy to which we are entitled. We need to be sure that the hospital or primary care team to which our doctor belongs works effectively and safely, so we can be assured that we are getting good quality care. And we need good access to care.”
Sir Donald Irvine – President GMC 2003
DOES THIS RING A BELL? If you want to attain this state read on…
- Astronomical costs and magnitude of unsafe care (
- Anger and frustration levels of all at the highest, globally (Read More..)
- All pervading mistrust (
- Cannot be achieved by waving a ‘magic wand’ due ineffective implementation of existing laws, adversarial relations, name- calling, blame game (Read More..)
To achieve this goal a lot needs to be done. A herculean task of gargantuan proportions. A “Mahayagna” ( a huge combined effort) with “Ahuti”(contribution) by all is needed to generate Read More...
- Awareness creation (Click Here)
- Getting together (Click Here)
- A mechanism and a platform (Click Here)
- Evolve the right things to do (Consensus based guidelines)
For this we need you, ICHA is all of us, we need your ‘Ahuti’ – the contribution of Tan (Muscle), Man (Mind), Dhan(Money) – contribute what you have (Click Here to enroll and participate).
A platform on which all concerned (stakeholders) have come together and work collaboratively shoulder to shoulder to achieve the desired goal of TRUSTWORTHY & SAFE HEALTHCARE.
ICHA is the mechanism created in 2002 and established in 2004 as a not for profit organization under section 25 (now Section 8) of the Companies Act. ICHA is a globally recognized most optimal and credible platform. It took 50 years or more in the west to bring the diverse stakeholders together; in India it was achieved in 3 years.
The National Associations of various stakeholders have come together to form ICHA (see role and steps of activities for them Read More..). See banner Below for the current association list and growing…..) (Read More.. about ICHA , its activities, structure, goals, logo.)
Our Work For Healthcare Users
Indian Confederation for Healthcare Accreditation works for Healthcare Users covering the following areas:

Our Work For Healthcare Providers
Indian Confederation for Healthcare Accreditation works with Healthcare Providers covering the following areas:

Constituent Associations/Institutions
Given below is the list of ICHA’s Constituent Associations/Institutions recognized as apex bodies in their respective fields.